600 BC - The Promised LandNephi

A Record of the Jews

Book of Mormon Central

The “record of the Jews” was likely Joshua, Judges, 1–2 Samuel, and 1–2 Kings

Book of Mormon Central

Joshua 24:15 is quoted in Alma 30:8Judges 15:14 is quoted in 1 Nephi 7:181 Samuel 8:11–18 is alluded to in Mosiah 2:12–142 Samuel 2:19–21 is alluded to in Alma 56:37–40, and 1 Kings 19:12 is quoted in 1 Nephi 17:45. For the relationship between Helaman and 2 Kings, see Book of Mormon Central, “How Did Nephi Use the Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven? (Helaman 11:4)” KnoWhy 182 (September 7, 2016).z

This website is not affiliated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This website is a representation about the Brass Plates, a set of scriptures used by Lehi and his posterity at the time they entered the Americas. Content is cited from offical and chuch sponsored resources. This website is a mock represntation of the offical Church of Jesus Christ website as a demonistraiton for an academic project. 

A BYU Religion Class Project: Zach Griffin