See what is possible because of Him


That they may know of his doings (1 Nephi 19:22)
Prophecy of Zenos, the Prophet

The Lord's Vineyard

A Testimony of the Savior

Know of His Coming

Your Lineage

A Genealogy of our Fathers

The Five Books of Moses

A Record of the Jews

Prophecies of the Holy Prophets

The Creation of the World

This website is not affiliated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This website is a representation about the Brass Plates, a set of scriptures used by Lehi and his posterity at the time they entered the Americas. Content is cited from offical and chuch sponsored resources. This website is a mock represntation of the offical Church of Jesus Christ website as a demonistraiton for an academic project. 

A BYU Religion Class Project: Zach Griffin